Thanks to the technology developed by JBL, even in aquariums with slightly colored water, as a result of, for example, filtration through peat or water treatment with medicinal products, it is possible to achieve accurate and reliable results.
Measures against high nitrate content in tap water:
1. Pass tap water through the JBL Osmose 120 installation. This reverse osmosis plant removes about 80% of nitrates from tap water.
2. Alternative option: pump the settled tap water through a tank with JBL NitratEX, which will remove the excess amount of nitrates by ion exchange
Measures against too high nitrate content in a freshwater aquarium:
1. Regular water change (1/3 every two weeks)
2. Continuous water enrichment with JBL Biotopol
3. Monitor the content of nitrates in tap water (max. permissible rate of 50 mg/l)
4. Nitrates can be removed from the water quickly using JBL NitratEX, or gradually over a long time using JBL BioNitratEX.
Measures against too high nitrate content in a saltwater aquarium:
1. Regular water change (every 10 days)
2. Continuous water enrichment with JBL BioMarol
3. Application of a reverse osmosis unit or NitratEX filter material (see above) for tap water containing nitrates
4. Reducing the water load
5. Planting macroalgae that pull nitrates out of the water
6. Using the JBL BioNitratEX filter material. When used in seawater, JBL Carbomec Ultra (activated carbon) should be located under it in order to filter out excess nutrition for bacteria from the JBL BioNitratEX filler.
7. Using live stones
8. Do not remove too many algae at one time, because when removing the algae cells, they are disturbed and the substances associated in them, such as nitrates, re-enter the water!