Jaunais EHEIM skim marine 100 ir proteīnu skimers jūras ūdens akvārijiem līdz 100 litriem.
Neliels skimers ar kompaktu dizainu un ļoti praktisku apstrādi. Neskatoties ist nelielo izmēru, EHEIM skim marine 100 ir reāli spēcīgs un arī maziem akvārijiem vai Nano tvertnēm.
Jauna 2-kameru sistēma.
250x75x45 mm
+ compact and powerful protein skimmer for marine water aquariums
+ for aquariums up to 100 litres of water
+ new 2-chamber system for more efficiency
+ simple installation
+ practical and strong magnete holder
+ very low noise
+ including EHEIM lime wood diffusor
+ can be fully dismantled for cleaning
+ does not disturb the natural plankton in the aquarium
+ dimensions: 250x75x45 mm
+ an air pump is needed for the operation